Friday, March 4, 2011

Wisdom and Courage

As much as I weigh, I feel today like my skin isn't thick enough to be going to Africa. I was told a story by Jane from her daughter who is there all ready and it has had me crying off and on all afternoon. I'm hopeful to go and help make a difference BUT I know I will feel awful about the things I can't change....YET! :)

"GOD grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference."


  1. Hi Sheena. What a great idea to go to Africa! Hope you have a great time. I was just talking to a friend of ours who works for Spaworld and I think she mentioned her boss was on a trip like that. Perhaps she is with you.
    Anyways, have a great time, may the Lord bless you with wonderful things to see.

  2. Thanks far it has been amazing!!!
